We see more Vauxhalls in our workshop for LPG servicing and repairs that all the other makes combined. For this reason it warrants spending more time on this section than all the others, after all we are trying to convince you our customer that we know what we are doing.
We see the Astra, Corsa, Vectra, Omega and Zafira range on a weekly basis, in fact if you rang Millbrook the original installer they will almost certainly direct you to us as we are one of their Main Dealers in the north of England.
We often receive calls from owners wanting to book in their Vauxhall for a diagnostic check or a service, in most cases it is because they have a running problem or it will not run on LPG, we try to explain that if they have a poor running fault or if the system keeps on switching back to petrol then the starting point is a LPG service.
Most of the ones we see for the first time have evidently been neglected from new with often no more than a filter change during its lifetime. Over the years we have found so many individual faults on this Necam system that we have put together a service schedule of our own.
Certain components are removed, stripped, cleaned and re-set as well as pressure adjustments made, finally computer checks are made using Millbrook software. Having learnt everything about these systems over the last 9 years we are obviously not going to give away our trade secrets.
If the service has not fixed the problem then we have either already identified the cause within the service of more diagnostic tests will be needed at extra cost. Having the use of the rolling road also assists us to diagnose common faults like the system back to petrol or LPG injector / metering head imbalance.
If the vehicle is booked into us and the LPG system is not even attempting to switch over to gas then although it may benefit from an LPG service, diagnosis should be carried out first. Finally after we have repaired or serviced your Necam system we are limited how long we can spend on its road test, up to 10 miles is quite the normal. The reason we mention this is because we sometimes hear of intermittent faults reported by customers where once a week or every 1000 miles or so the system cuts our or switches back to petrol. It is not uncommon for a customer to buy a Vauxhall and bring it to us not running on LPG and then to find when we have fixed it that a secondary intermittent fault is present.
Some vehicle manufacturers offer LPG conversions as a factory-fit option. Such systems are invariably manufactured by well-known gas conversion kit manufacturers rather than the manufacturer of the vehicle on which they are installed.
We regularly service, repair and upgrade factory fit systems and have a vast amount of experience and equipment for use when working with these systems.
Below is a list of some popular factory fitted systems and Powershift systems, and the vehicles that you would likely find them on
![]() Necam/Koltec Reducer |
![]() Fuel Filter |
![]() Fuel Distributor |
We also specialise in after market systems and we able to repair and service all makes.
KME G3 LPG Injectors shown fitted to a Range Rover 4.4
Below are just some of the systems we frequently repair or work with.
AFC | KME G3 |
Lima | |
BRC | Sequent |
Sequent Fast | |
Sequent 24 | |
Sequent 56 | |
Sequent Plug and Drive | |
Sequent Direct | |
Just Heavy | |
Zavoli | Alesei |
Romano | RIS |
Prins | VSi |
OMVL | Dream |
Piro | |
BiGas | Sgis |
Aldessa | |
AG | |
Tartarini | ETAGas |
Landi Renzo | Landi Omegas |
IGS | |
RSI plus | |
XLR8 | |
AFC | |
KME | |
Stag | |
Marrelli | |
SEC | |
Lon Gas | |
E Gas | |
Icon | JTG |
Motor Gas | |
Motor GPL | |
Star Gas | |
Stefanelli | |
Voltran | Vogas |
SGI | |
AWG | |
Bormech |
Prins | YPS |
AFS | |
BRC | Just |
Zavoli | Regal |
OMVL | Millenium |
BiGas | Pegaso |
AEB | Leonardo |
Tartarini | TEC97/98/99 |
Bingo | |
LX 1 | |
Emmegas | |
GMS | |
Stefanelli |
Most front end kit manufacturers do not make their own tanks.
Tomasetto |
Altrama |
Stacko |
Tugra Makini |
Icon |